Saturday, November 1, 2008


i think the 18/19 of us there had fun yesterday right!! haha =)
i think me & gladys still think last year was more fun in terms of communicating with unknown people!! haha, but going as a big group is uber fun! hahaa!
- haunted house with leon & shaun was so damn bloody fun!! haha, since me & leon are the most scared of the group, they put us right at the front!! HAHA MEAN RIGHT!! but i think we had a time of our lives, right leon?!?! hahah!! sorry leon, for grabbing you so damn tight!! haha, & WE SCREAMT INTO EACH OTHER'S EARS! lol! no ghost or have ghost, we still screamt! haha!
- the water ride was super fun with leon again!! HAHA!! he started singing songs & all!! what the hell!! hahaha, but it was uber fun. right at the top of the 15m slide, the view was just so gorgeous!! wasted, for those who didnt see it!
- dukes & 3 other of his friends dressed as ghostbusters to boat quay yesterday!! today he was telling me!! haha, seems like they were stars!! everyone crowded around them & all just to take picture! he said that he while they were taking pictures, he didnt know which camera to smile to! hahah!while they were this side of boat quay, people from the other side started singing the ghostbusters song & all! also, a very rich man from a club invited them in for free & so they had free drinks, free entry to the club!! haha, dukes exclaimed most importantly that, " we got to take pictures with many white chicks!!" hahah!
i guess people just miss the ghostbusters! lol! (=
i had fun yesterday peeps! =) next year, we wouldnt be having so much of fun of halloween anymore :( cause the O's will be on!
got to go visiting later, i am not gonna wear traditional! haha

