Monday, February 25, 2008

12.44am, BLOG STUFF!

Never Date a Capricorn
Somber, demanding, and freakishly logical. Emotions? It's not clear that Capricorn has them.
And while it may be flattering for a Capricorn to be serious about you, bad news: they expect you to be super serious in return.

Instead try dating: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, or Virgo

You Are a Fun Girl!
You are all about having fun - and you don't need to drink to have a good time
Sure, you've thrown back more than a few every so often
But getting totally stupid and wasted is not your style
You're the life of the party, by keeping everyone laughing and smiling

You Are A Fun Friend
You're the one who keeps your group laughing
And you've always got an idea for something fun to do
The party's not complete without you
And you wouldn't miss it for the world

People Definitely Like You
You are very well liked, and many people admire you.
You are friendly, well mannered, and fun to be around.
Of course, you're not perfect... but that's okay.
Your friends are usually willing to accept you for who you are!

What People Don't Like About You:

People don't like that you only tend to take complements. It makes you seem insecure... and unappreciative.

What People Like About You:

People like that you give them support and strength. Friends know that they can count on you to be there for them.

People like that you truly take and interest in them. Everyone likes to be liked!

People like that you're interesting and intriguing. You always have something interesting to say.
You Are Rum
You're the life of the party, and a total flirt
You are also pretty picky about what you drink
Only the finest labels and best mixed cocktails will do
Except if you're dieting - then it's Absolut and Bicardi all the way

lOL! these thingys are so fun to do!!
there are many many more... but it's already 1 plus & so i shall just go to sleep.
for i only have less than 5 hours to sleep!!

