Monday, August 4, 2008

MIxture of feelings

I always yearn to see your face.
But when i eventually do, i will tend to think to myself about wether i really wanted it or not.
The more i look at you,
the more i think about what we have gone through together.
& the fact that we can't do it again.
I guess, i cant have the cake & eat it too.
I guess, i dont want to face you again.
For everytime it's time you leave, my heart will start vibrating.
I will have this uneasy feeling, i just dont like it.
Uncontrollable feelings, that isnt nice at all.
Why did such things have to happen?
Why can't some people think before they act?
Why can't they just think about the people around them first before they make a decision?
Perhaps it wasnt meant to be.
Perhaps, it had to be that we went through troubles together this time, unlike last time when we were always having fun, without no worries.
Somethings are just not meant to be.
Somethings are just better left unsaid.
Different people just need the different type of advice.
But ouh well, it's just a bloody hell waste of my energy.
Do not act like you care, for you definitely don't.

This isnt an emo post, it's about what i fucking hell feel.
NDP pictures tomorrow.

