Monday, December 10, 2007

i had been trying for like 15 minutes or so to log into my blogger account. & that's because i actually forgot my password/email. argh, it's just that. there are too many things running in my mind..

it's just that. i was wondering. hey, wait.

P.S : this post MIGHT be disturbing to SOME.

ok. it was just that there are many things i am wondering. like many many things. unsually strange, these feelings are to me. i really dont know why suddenly but. maybe it's because i recently started listening to techno songs? HAHA. but i HAVE heard that certain songs can have different impacts on one's life. so here are some of the things i was wondering.

Why Has God Made It In a Way That Humans Exist?
perhaps he just wants some entertainment?

Why Is It That Men Always Treat Women As Only Sex Slaves?
yea, dont deny. every men on this bloody earth has only one thinking that comes to his fucking mind when he sees a gorgeous women, SEX.

How Come It's That Men Are The Ones Who Get The Better Side Always?
yes, wether you're talking about giving birth, having sex, having fun, hardly having to worry about his fucking virginity that i bet every men on earth now loses at maybe, the age of 16.yes.

How Come Men Nowadays Dont Appreciate Women For Their Real-Inner-Self But Their outter-figures?
it's kinda obvious. all they ever think about is intercouse. this is so fucking reetarded man.

Why Has It To Be That Women Are The Ones Whom Always Give Their Utmost Selves For A Relationship?
i really dont have the answer to this question. but, one thing from experience, women are STUPID.

ok guys, that sounded REALLY stressful & serious. hahaa. ok, in a way i was but i was just wondering about these things laa. it's not ME but people around me are going through shit in their life. & when i hear all these, i just get fustrated because. i dont know. i guess i am afraid i'll end up like that??

wait wait. sometimes, it's just that women are being too nice to the ones they love. MEN HAVE TO RESPECT OUR AUTHORITAAAA! HAHAHA

& so, sis just returned from a date & her date was sweet enough( wether it's true or not) to get her this aroma( however you spell it) thingy. & this is how it looks ah.

it's the house-looking like thingy. ( in the light)

(in the dark)

that was sweet of him aiites. wether he means it or not. actually i have lots more question to ask but they arent regarding relationships.
ouh yea,

& i wasn't saying that all men are like that. but MOST are. trust me.

am going to watch enchanted again tmr with sis & her fun-to-be-with people!

