start the fireeeeee! (=
the bbq woman for the day!
so yesterday i went over for the bbq. actually i was suppose to be home but i called dad & asked him if i could stay a little longer. & then he allowed me to stay! =) but anyway, the bbq was good. thanks to lydia, michael, danette, aqilah, marinah & jeslyn with the starting of the fire + bbqing the food =) ( although a few satays & a hotdog was uncook.HAHA)
& as you can see in the pictures, i was being bullied by michael all along. GAHHH!
i thought i was going to get a break since terence werent disturbing me but NO, michael started disturbing me.
GAHHH!! but anyway i beat him at bowling!! muahahah!! & he paid for my game. AHAH thanks mike! but i still got you a coke remember ;)
also, mike, me, terence, aqilah, marinah, darren & zena watched "GET SMART". the movie is really funnay you guys have to catch it. HAHA. =)
weifeng you cheated my feelings.AGAIN.
& weifeng, thanks for the cheering up online just now. but still, i cant stand the fact that it was THAT person who had to say such things about me.
the 2.9 people went to sleep around 5 & the rest of us 2/7 were just hanging around.
mahir came to be with us & then he went back.
we played cards etc, chatted, gossipped & somehow the time passed quick.
mahir came to join us again for breakfast.
so in the end after the 2/9 woke up, we all made our ways home.
came home, slept from 2pm till like 8. now shall go do my homework. (=
& ouh my chicken balls, school's in 2 days. how am i going to manage my sleeping?
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