Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Have been tagged!

Q: If your lover betrayed you, what would be your reaction?
A: It's his lost. (=

Q: If you had 3 wishes, what will that be?
A: 1. Meet a real vampire.( ahhhhh!)
2. Live a luxurious life once im a grown up( which includes having all the rides i want to).
3. Get to know all types of people in the world!!

Q: Did you ever think to yourself and wonder if you're really real?
A: hmmm, im not very sure. But i AM real!!.... right?

Q: Are you afraid of what lies ahead of you?
A: A little. but challenges are what i want in life.

Q: Would you change yourself for the person you love?
A: Definitely. but firstly, the person should have already been someone who loves me for who i already am (=

Q: Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
A: Being loved by someone. but if everybody is going to say this then no one is going to love anyone. hahahha!!

Q: How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
A: Gladys png shall answer that question. hahahhaa!!

Q: If the person you secretly liked is already attached, what would you do?
A: I'd still talk to him as per normal because we still can be friends. too bad he doesnt like me.

Q: Is there anything that made you unhappy these days?
A: Unfortunately, yes. But ive learnt something from it. & that women are worst than men when it comes to betrayal!

Q: Do you get butterflies in your stomach whenever you're around the guy/girl you like?
A: Not really.. Yeah maybe sometimes. HAHA!

Q: Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
A: yuup yuup yuup yuup (=

Q: Who are currently the most important people to you?
A: friends, bro & sis.

Q: Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't?
A: I always thought that i wouldnt be able to get that someone but somehow i will finally get what i want. (=

Q: What's the ideal perfect relationship to you?
A: there's no such thing as a perfect relationship but still an ideal one would of course be one without quarrels & misunderstandings. ( not only for BGR but friendships too)

Q: Are you happy with your life?
A: YUUP! it's filled with obstacles which im lovin!

Q: What type of friends do you like?
A: True ones. The ones that hold your hands through the think & thin. Also the ones who can understand my stupid jokes & laugh along with me!! HAHAHA LIKE GLADYS PNG!! but i'd still love having atleast 1 friend who loves betraying.

Q: Do you often wish that there are somethings you could change?
A: Not often but maybe once in a bluemoon! ouh but about PRCS, yes all the time. (=

Q: During a raining day, would you like a guy to walk with you, or to shelter you?
A: Walk with meee, awww (=

Q: What would be the thing you dislike the most?
A: backstabbers & hypocrites. I AM FOR REAL!

Q: What would you notice about people of the different gender?
A: Happy-go-luckyness, sense of humour, the talent to have fun in various weird ways & the charm.

2 people who are tagged by me: jiawen, aqilah

