Saturday, January 5, 2008


i deleted so many posts of mine, thinking that everything would be fixed!!
but nothing was fixed so i ended up doing up on a new blogskin!!=/

& my new year post, first day at school post, my many many precious posts!! ahhhhhhhhh!

nevermind, this will be a temporary blog till the other one's done. or perhaps, i would keep this!! :D

the girl is like sso hawt, & i LOVEEEE her shades!!

it's only like the third day of school & im already ALL SO STRESSED UP!! thanks to mdm lim who chose me as a secretary. it's like soooooo stressful! but atleast she trusted me with the money & decorations & stuff.

hehe, monnneeeyy! hahaa, KIDDING LAH!!

after every lesson have to remember to ask the teacher to sign. before & after school must remember to take & put back the file. PASIR RIS CREST IS SO KIASUUUUUUUUUU!

& i still have holiday homework to finish up. yeap, HOLIDAY HOMEWORK. im stuck with tamil & lit now.
tamil can drag drag drag but lit cannot!! argh i must read the whole book lah!!

so you guys better tag & fill up my new tag board!! hahaha! =)
hope you guys like the new skin & the new song!

